Many of the comments in the group are on topics that have been opened around the U.S. FBA entry tariffs and the status of the returns.
In our comments on the back, many sellers have been under the condition of the goods back to the United States after the customs, when the goods return, freight lost, still have to bear the return freight, return the freight charge and often expensive, met bad forwarder, but also to follow up the follow-up matters not tell, sellers in the dark, wasted time, lost money.
So, what are the detailed information we should know as sellers about the tightening of the us customs inspection, goods staying, and tax increase at that time, and how to deal with it? In this text, old wei I on this topic, talk about my point of view.
First, let's start with the urgent notification issued by DHL. In early June, DHL issued a notice telling the U.S. government that it would increase clearance of incoming FBA goods under the u.s.321 Regulation. Under the rules of the act, the tariff-free preference will no longer apply to the declared amount of less than $800 for the following characteristics:
1. The same sender sent N(N>1) tickets of goods to the same amazon FBA warehouse within one day;
2. N this ticket goods will be the United States government as a "Split Shipments (mar) delivery", whether or not the single ticket value is less than $800, will all be converted to a formal customs clearance;
3. According to the us customs clearance rules, the demand for official customs clearance goods was provided to the recipient, Employer Identity Number(EIN).
However, sellers who are familiar with amazon's FBA operation process know that amazon does not provide any customs clearance support for FBA products, which has been clearly stated in the FBA delivery plan generated by amazon.
It is based on the practice of delivery by ** and FBA that DHL indicates that all FBA goods sent to the United States will be rejected by the United States government once they meet the above conditions and can only be returned to the place of origin.
Before and after the release of DHL, many sellers and freight forwarders were not aware of it, and a large number of goods flew to the United States by express mail according to the previous procedures, which resulted in the return of goods suffered by many sellers.
Many sellers chose price higher express delivery, largely in order to catch time, original is doing the "seven of eight jar cover, cover to cover to wear no help" measures for the operation of results, time to return, the nominal cost aside, FBA inventory directly out of stock, but out of stock on the impact of operating, trust many sellers have experience greatly.
But about selling the home to say, we are born the small strong that hits deathless, every suffer and twists and turns, be in those who bring lose and inconvenience together, we should learn more and find countermeasure, below the condition at that time, how should do?
* * direct and effective way is to change the original express a to special line logistics (that is, we often say air send to send), related to the big four business express delivery company, empty additional to the freight is low (absolutely cheap 10 RMB per kg +), time was a little slower than Courier (express 3 to 5 days, line 10 days or so), but empty line operating method of general logistics company is set in the United States own have their own partner (or that they are already registered in the U.S. subsidiary), an empty line receiver has its own set of EIN number, imports will declare through your EIN number and pay tariff, Such operation is in line with the relevant policies of the us government, and is not affected by the policies published this time. Therefore, for a period of time, the sellers who choose to use dedicated logistics to deliver goods have not been affected.该小组的许多评论都是围绕美国联邦航空管理局(FBA)的入境关税和退税状况展开的。
1. 同一发货人在一天内将N(N>1)张货物票发送到同一亚马逊FBA仓库;
2. N此票货物将由美国政府作为“分批装运(mar)交付”,无论单票价值是否低于800美元,均将全部转换为正式清关;
* *直接和有效的方法是改变原表达专线物流(也就是我们常说的空气发送发送),四大业务相关快递公司,空额外运费很低(绝对便宜10元每公斤+),时间有点慢于快递(快递3 - 5天,10天左右),但空行操作方法一般物流公司将在美国自己有自己的伴侣(或者他们已经在美国注册的子公司),一个空行接收机都有自己的一组静脉数目,将通过你的静脉号码申报和支付进口关税,这样操作是符合美国政府的相关政策,和不受政策的影响发表。因此,在一段时间内,选择使用专用物流配送的卖家并没有受到影响。
选择蓝海 获得双赢
- 公司实现网络订舱、手机订舱,可实时查询货物运输状态
- 提供贸易代理报关、拼柜报关及手册报关等
- 公司的航运整合业务覆盖全球300多个港口和城市。出口全程服务,拖车,码头,订舱,报关,单证,单证,熏蒸,商检,装车等工作。 可以选择CIF,FOB,DDU,DDP等运输方式。
- 中国-FBA亚马逊头程运输到加拿大、美国、澳大利亚海运到门服务
- 免费亚马逊预订服务,免收超时存储费
- 提供免费仓库存放,可根据每位客户实际情况存放安排
- 支付送货,国内运输和付款,以及货运和支付服务。
- 与许多航空公司,如EY,KL,TK,SQ,CA,EK,NH,DHL,UPS,FEDEX等有良好的联系
- 联合保险行业的领先公司提供高质量的货物运输保险服务,为客户提供独特和最佳的自然灾害,海盗,货物污染和盗窃解决方案。
- 公司负责散货运输,为主要和国际设备,散货,散粮,松散矿物等提供租船或租船服务。
- 散货出口:安排车辆/驳船装载在内陆工厂/仓库的货物并运输到外贸码头,收集货物并在承运人进港后安排船侧吊装和捆绑。 在承运人离开港口后,实时跟踪船舶的动态,并向收货人提供船舶时刻表信息和目的港口船舶代理商信息。
- 散货进口:指定承运人停靠在装运港,并根据装货和卸货条款收到发货人的舱底/船上交货。 目的港卸载并安排内陆运输到工厂/仓库。
- 公司拥有丰富的特种柜运输经验。 成功完成了敞口柜运输,平板运输等大型设备运输的运输项目。 它是一个可靠的特殊柜运输专家。
- 根据客户的委托,可以承接各种超大尺寸商品,有温度要求的商品和不同形式商品的运输,其中开顶柜,平柜,框架柜和冷柜等具有相当的优势。
- 可在全球范围内提供门到门或点到点的运输,并提供集运或配送服务
- 秉承“专注承诺,承载所托”的企业精神,以客户为中心, 市场为导向,以科学的资源整合,先进的管理技术,强大的运 营能力,为您提供方便快捷的国际物流服务